Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kalenderdamer 2012 - Rebirth

I had a look at the blog statistics. It shows that I've had 19.968 visitors.
So it's a pretty big chance that you are #20.000 :-)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kalenderdamer 2012 - Outtake #4963

This picture was among the candidates for Kalenderdamer 2012.
But it didn't make the final cut.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sårbar Sterk

18.okt kl. 18.30 på Nordfjord Hotell.

Der blir det anledning til å se og kjøpe det ferdige produktet.
Inntektene av kalendersalg går uavkorta til kreftforsking.

I tillegg vil det selges eksklusive trykk av eksklusive bilder.

For litt historikk deler jeg denne videoen

Sunday, October 9, 2011


A long time ago, I  and spanish gal named Araceli Tzigane made a website mainly about world, folk and ethnic music. The idea was something wikilike, a collective site of information about alternative music around the globe.
I'm proud to say that this was back in 2000 (maybe it started even a bit earlyer), long before anybody had heard about wikipedia and such.

What stopped us was probably that we didn't have the programing skills required to make our own content managing system. 

The original domain is now occupied by domainhosters :-(
Shame on them.

But this summer I met Araceli and her husband at Førdefestivalen 2011 :-)
She told me that most of the site still is online mirrored at her website

So here it is ethnobass, as it was, back in 2003

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Artikkel om Kalenderdamene i Regionavisa

Faksmile av forside

I nær framtid vil kalenderen være å få kjøpt bla.
på nettsida til Fotografen Eide